Monday, June 9, 2008

Candice Has 1 Week!!

Sorry... I know its been awhile since the last update about the fabulous Elevator fashion shoot. A lot has happened and a lot  continues to happen as this week treks on.  I am in the process of picking the model, putting finishing touches on the military chic clothes, finding the right shoes, and getting the right hair and make up ideas.  

Its been a long couple of weeks especially working on the budget I have and having to work on others' schedules.  There have been times when the shoot has been out of my hands and I have had to step back and let others be creative and listen to what they say. A hard lesson for an occasional control freak!  

But I am so grateful to have a place to shoot in New York City and a photographer who is willing to work with me and help make this photo shoot more than even I expected 3 weeks ago.  This process has been one of craziness!!  I will be giving the play by play as the last couple days go on.  Keep up with me...

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